Everything You Need To Know About Breast Augmentation With Implants

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Interested in Breast Augmentation? You are not alone. Millions of women around the globe have breast augmentation with breast implants, and the numbers are rising rapidly every day.

If you are displeased with size or shape of your boobs, or feel under confident because you are naturally small breasted, breast augmentation surgery is a choice to consider. But it is extremely important to get a complete understanding of the surgery and related facts e.g. who will perform surgery, choice of implant types and how to recover well.

Find out what you should know before deciding to have this procedure performed.

Breast Augmentation
Technically known as augmentation mammoplasty or breast implantation, breast enlargement is an operative procedure usually performed to increase cup size, improve breast shape, correct figure contour imbalances, and restore lost volume.

Breast augmentation can be performed via two procedures: fat transfer and augmentation using implants.

Augmentation with fat transfer involves the extraction of stubborn pockets of fat from your own body parts such as thighs or abdomen through liposuction and transferring this graft into the breast area through three or four tiny incisions.

Breast enlargement with implants involves the insertion of medical prosthesis to reconstruct the breast or improve shape, size, and/or position of your breasts.

Fat transfer method for boob job is usually considered a minimally invasive and safer alternative to implant surgery.

Breast Implants
When it comes to breast implants, you have many different types of breast implants to choose from. There are saline and silicone gel implants, smooth and textured breast implants, round and anatomical/teardrop breast implants. They also come in various profiles, such as low profile, moderate profile, high profile, extra full profile, etc. You must familiarize yourself with the implant options available so that you can get an idea of what type of implant is right for you.

For instance, you may not be able to use a high profile breast implant if you have a wide breast base. Likewise, women who want to have side-boobs should choose moderate or low profiles that are larger in diameter. High profile implants might be more appropriate for women with smaller breast width but who want larger breast sizes.

For the insertion of implants, a plastic surgeon uses one of the four incision methods- Inframmary (along the natural crease of breast); Periaerolar (below the nipple); Transaxillary (in the armpit) or Transumbilical (near the belly button). Of these, inframammary and areola incisions are the most common incisions currently used.

Surgical Insertion of Implants
There are three breast implant placement options- Over the Muscle; Partial Submuscular; and Complete Submuscular.

Over the Muscle- In this procedure, implants are placed in front of the muscle, and behind the breast tissue (under the glands).

Partial Submuscular- The implant location is partially beneath the pectoralis major chest muscle. The top 2/3 of the implant is covered by the muscle.

Complete Submuscular- In this method, the implant is fully covered by the muscle and fascia. In this setting, the top 2/3 of the implant is behind the pectoral muscles and the lower 1/3 is behind the fascia.

Each placement type has its pros and cons that may be discussed with your plastic surgeon prior to the surgery. Discuss your desired goal with your surgeon to find out where your implant should be placed.

Recovery time following augmentation surgery depends on various factors such as types of breast implants chosen, size and shape of implants, incision location and size as well as whether the implant is under the muscle or over the muscle. For instance, with the implant placed on top of the muscle recovery is about 1-2 days at most, while implants placed under the muscle will cause more discomfort and may require up to a week to heal up.

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